5 Bad Habits Working Retail Taught Me
5 Bad Habits Working Retail Taught Me Hi, My Name is Kathryn Huber, and I am an ex-retail manager. I worked in retail for over 12 years. I worked in stores that sold everything from candy to bridal gowns. I was there to serve any and every person that walked through my doors with a big smile. Throughout my career I became bitter, unhappy, and over all depressed with my situation. Between the crummy hours, and the abusive customers, I started to lose my faith in humanity. If you know me now you know this doesn’t sounds like me at all and THANK GOODNESS. So here is what I had to unlearn to be the person I am today. These are some of the worst habits I learned from working in retail. DISCLOSURE, I wasn’t always unhappy with my job, in fact for the most part because of my helping nature I liked working retail. There were many wonderful things I learned from the amazing people I worked with and from working retai...